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March 4, 2025
Big Rock Mountain a 501©(3) nonprofit ski area located in Mars Hill, Maine issues this Invitation to Bid for the purchase of a new snow groomer to support its winter operations. The unit must be delivered to and accepted by Big Rock no later than May 30, 2025. The purchase will be funded in part with grant funding from the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) and all bidding procedures must comply with NBRC procurement guidelines for expenditures exceeding $100,000.
Bids shall be submitted by qualified manufacturers with a proven track record of supplying snow groomers to ski areas in New England. It is the intent of this Invitation to Bid to select the most qualified manufacturer that bids a snow groomer per the attached specifications.
Any questions regarding this Invitation to Bid should be addressed to the Big Rock Groomer Bid email, [email protected], with “Bid Question - Snow Groomer” in the subject line. All questions received and their corresponding responses will be issued as an addendum to this RFP on Big Rock’s website. Prospective manufacturers shall be solely responsible for obtaining all questions and answers related to this Invitation to Bid.
Bids are due no later than 9 AM on Thursday, April 10, 2025. Submissions will be accepted by email in .pdf format to [email protected]. Submission must provide a signed proposal detailing the proposed unit, warranty information, service information, and a bid with the outright purchase price. Submissions received by email after this time will not be considered.
These submittals shall be titled:
Big Rock Mountain, Mars Hill, Maine
NBRC Grant Award Number: 22GME10
Please download the below Invitation to Bid - Snow Groomer for the full bid package including technical specifications.
Any questions regarding this Invitation to Bid should be addressed to the Big Rock team email, [email protected], with “Invitation to Bid - Snow Groomer” in the subject line. All questions received and there corresponding responses will be issued as an addendum to this Invitation to Bid on Big Rock’s website below. Perspective bidders shall be solely responsible for obtaining all questions and answers related to this Invitation to Bid.
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